Codependency 101: How to Break Free From Codependent Relationships

February 8, 2022

Are you worried that your relationship is one of codependency? 

When you’re in a tight-knit relationship, assessing your sense of independence can be challenging. After all, you love and depend on one another greatly. But, when does codependency become a problem worthy of correction?

At the end of the day, a healthy and happy relationship is one that is free from any source of codependency. To help minimize the confusion, we’re shining a light on what a codependent relationship looks like. We’re also sharing signs of codependency and how to ultimately break-free of such a relationship. 

What is Codependency? 

A codependent relationship is one that is characterized by continuous dysfunctional need. 

In such a relationship there are two roles: the codependent person and the enabler. The codependent person carries an unhealthy desire to be needed. In return, the enabler will exploit this desire by relying entirely on their partner. The end result is an incredibly unhealthy relationship that is centered upon a disproportionate dynamic. 

In the current climate, many couples have struggled with an increase in codependency. In fact, 31% of couples who filed for divorce in 2020 state that the pandemic had a negative impact on their relationship. During trying times such as these, taking a long and hard look at your relationship is critical. 

The reality is, true love shouldn’t involve a sense of codependency. If you’re worried that your relationship is unhealthy, it’s vital to understand the signs of a codependent relationship. 

Signs of a Codependent Relationship

Determining if you’re part of a codependent relationship isn’t always straightforward.

In many cases, there’s a grey area between a healthy relationship comprising of need and desire and an unhealthy relationship that entails codependency. The followings are signs of codependent personality traits and codependent behaviors: 

  • Little interest outside of your relationship
  • Lack or loss of personal identity, values and desire 
  • Dramatic sacrifices or gestures to temporarily please your partner
  • Feeling hopeless in your partner’s satisfaction 
  • A desire to “fix” your partner
  • Addiction 

Are the above signs are present in your relationship? If so, it may be time to seek immediate professional help in an attempt to save your relationship. While couples wait an average of six years after marriage to seek counseling, this can often be too late. 

How to Separate Yourself 

In overcoming codependency, it’s important to note that this doesn’t always entail parting ways. 

With the right tools and support in place, a codependent partner can learn to break free from their codependency habits. Of course, this will often involve speaking to a relationship expert or a therapist. Together, you can learn how to change your individual behaviors and transform your relationship into one that is healthy and thriving.

For couples who truly love one another, making an effort to overturn these unhealthy characteristics is always worthwhile. If professional help isn’t successful in transforming your codependency, it may be best to separate. While this is no easy task for codependent partners, it’s the only way to break free from an imbalanced and negative relationship. 

Breaking Free From Codependency

Understanding whether or not your relationship suffers from codependency can be disconcerting. 

If you’re unsure as to whether your current relationship is healthy, allow our guide above to help you. While it’s natural to support and find peace in one another’s presence, it’s imperative a have a sense of independence in your relationship. At the end of the day, it’s also helpful to remind yourself that with professional help, codependency recovery is entirely possible. 

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