How Painful Is Getting A Dental Implant?

February 8, 2022

Tooth loss can be due to many reasons. Some people lose one or more of their teeth to accidents and physical trauma. Others lost their teeth to sports injuries. In some cases, teeth loss may be due to common dental problems like gum diseases or the individual’s genetic makeup. Whatever the cause of the loss may be, one thing is constant. Missing teeth creates a potential for more oral health problems.

Many people who have lost one or more of their teeth may suffer common digestive issues. This is due to their inability to break down food into smaller particles that make digestion easier. Other problems like jaw bone shrinking may also arise. Jaw bone shrinking is caused by the lack of activity in the area where the teeth are missing. With this lack of activity, the jaw bone in those affected areas begins to shrink, which affects the patient’s facial structure. In addition to these, missing teeth also create an aesthetic problem that affects the appearance and quality of the patient’s smile.

With the many disadvantages of lost or missing teeth, it has become important for affected patients to seek proper restorative dental procedures that address these problems. At Asha Dental, the dental team recommends dental implant procedures. This is because dental implants offer a permanent approach to correcting missing teeth. In addition, dental implants are also designed to appear like the rest of the natural teeth and require no special maintenance practices.

If dental implants have been recommended, it is only natural for you to wonder about the pain and discomfort that the procedure offers. To help you better prepare for the procedure, below are some of the relevant information you should be aware of.

Does Dental Implant Surgery Hurt?

Naturally, all surgical procedures are meant to hurt. However, the improvement in medical practice has led to the introduction of anesthesia. Anesthesia offers a wide range of advantages to patients, helping to numb the muscles and nerves in the areas surrounding the site to be worked on. With this action, patients can rest assured that they will enjoy a pain-free process.

The dental implant procedure follows the following steps;

Step 1: the dental surgeon numbs the area to be worked on with local anesthesia. The surgeon will confirm that the anesthesia is in full action before the procedure is commenced. This is to ensure that the patient enjoys a pain-free experience.

Step 2: the dental surgeon creates a space in the gum and jaw bone. The titanium post which forms the root of the dental implant is installed in this space. The dental surgeon uses computerized planning to ensure that the post is placed in the correct location for a long-lasting result.

Step 3: once the post has been inserted and secured, a cap is placed on top to keep it safe throughout the healing process. Healing time depends on several factors but can take months. The patient returns after a few months to have the implant checked, and the crown is installed.

During this entire process, patients may feel little to no pain due to local anesthesia. With numbed nerves, the patient will enjoy a pain-free experience.

Am I A Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Although dental implants offer a wide range of advantages, they are not the perfect choice for everyone. In most cases, people who have lost their jaw bone or those who suffer from other dental issues may have to undergo one or more procedures, including bone grafting, to enjoy dental implants.

If you have recently lost one or more teeth, dental implants may be a great restorative choice for you. However, you should speak to your dentist first to know whether you are eligible for the procedure.

How Long Does the Dental Implant Recovery Process Take?

Patients differ. The immune level of each patient will affect how long it takes for them to heal. However, most patients who undergo simple dental implant surgery can expect to return to their daily activities in no time. Essentially, dental implant surgery does not require a lengthy recovery time.

With proper management, including over-the-counter pain relievers, use of ice packs, avoiding hard food, and more, patients can heal better in weeks. Patients who feel unbearable pain around the area after days may also return to their dentist to have the site looked at.

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