How to Hire a Criminal Lawyer in Sydney to Fight Affray Charges?

March 4, 2022

According to a recent statement, the crime rate for affray cases in Sydney, involving people being worried about getting subjected to physical attack, stands at a staggering 25.43%.

Affray is a strict crime in Sydney, and getting convicted in such cases can ruin your future. You may consult top criminal lawyers Sydney for their resourceful legal advice and defending you to gain the best possible outcomes.

Here’s how you may hire them in Sydney to fight affray charges leveled against you.

Knowledge About the Laws

Sydney adheres to NSW dictated Acts and Regulations, and Section 93C of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) criminalizes affray in the capital city. According to the law, if you threaten to use unlawful violence towards a person, and your conduct causes any third person of reasonable firmness present in the scene to fear for their safety, you may face affray charges.

Top criminal lawyers in Sydney are well-versed with these laws, applicable in affray cases. Ensure they are aware of every facet of the crime and the judicial system to find the best ways to defend you, thus yielding desirable results.

Building A Solid Defence

Typically, criminal lawyers use self-defense, duress, or necessity as viable mechanisms for defending the accused in affray cases. 

Reputed lawyers will focus on building a solid case based on these plausible options, ensuring you can confidently plead not guilty. For instance, they will cite self-defense as a reason for your unlawful violence under Section 418 of Crimes Act 1900, which will ensure your safety. 

Check if the lawyer is aware of similar strategies to defend you, which will result in the best outcomes in your affray case.

Getting Your Sentence Reduced

Ideally, affray cases in Sydney carry a maximum penalty of 2 years of jail time if fought in the Local court. But, if the charges are more severe, the prosecution may fight to get the accused a maximum punishment of 10 years of imprisonment.

You may also face alternative penalties, ranging from Section 10 Dismissal, fine, to Intensive Correction Order.

But expert criminal lawyers in Sydney have a proven track record of getting reduced penalties even if your affray case is complicated. They prepare compelling sentencing submissions that highlight aspects of your previous criminal record to secure a reduced sentence. Ensure they give their best from the beginning, knowing that you may be at fault, to help you win the least possible punishment.

Protecting Your Future

Sydney is the top investment destination of Australia, making it the business capital of the country and a hotspot for professionals seeking job opportunities.

But a conviction in an affray case can restrict your opportunities for livelihood and employment in the capital city.

However, an experienced criminal lawyer can fight for you and your future. They get your penalties lessened and even get your case dismissed due to, say, police errors. Ensure they focus on keeping you out of jail, which will help you avoid risking your career. 

Appearance in Court

Since affray is a Table 1 crime in Sydney, Local Court deals with these cases when they are less severe. But the case goes to the District Court if it’s grave. Both these courts in Sydney sit in the Downing Centre on Liverpool Street in the CBD.

Confirm if the lawyers can appear in these courts and are easily accessible. Check if they can also represent you in the Supreme Court when required.

Find A Reputed Criminal Lawyer

Road rage, fighting inside a pub, and participating in a violent public demonstration are notable instances of affray in Sydney, as in the rest of NSW.

If you face charges on any of these grounds in an affray case in Sydney, reach out to an experienced criminal lawyer. You can avoid any negative impact that a criminal conviction could have had on your life.

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