
How Much is CCIE Training? Which Institution is Better?

CCIE, as the ultimate certification of IT, is certainly not so easy to obtain. Generally, the passing rate will be improved only after systematic training and review. Therefore, the training institution and the training cost have become a common concern. Now there are many training institutions with different costs. Next, I will take SPOTO Cisco as an example to introduce in detail the cost of CCIE training.

At present, SPOTO provides three sets of training programs for students.

The first program is prepared for zero-foundation candidates. The training content of this program includes a full set of courses of Cisco CCNA – click to spoto , CCNP, CCIE theory and CCIE Lab. The training cost is USD 2500 (the cost is for reference only)

The second program is prepared for candidates who already have the foundation of Cisco CCNP. The training content of this program is CCIE theory and CCIE Lab, and then candidates can take CCIE Exam directly. The training cost is USD 2200 (the cost is for reference only)

The third program is prepared for the candidates who already have the theoretical basis of Cisco CCIE. The training content of this program is CCIE Lab, and then candidates can take CCIE Exam directly. The training cost is USD 1700 (the cost is for reference only)

Since there will be preferential activities for courses from time to time, the above fees are only for reference. For specific fees, please consult our course consultant immediately.

Some people will think that the training cost is expensive, but it is worthwhile. The value of CCIE Certification is so high that the monthly salary of people holding this certificate is usually USD 1500-2400. For details, please refer to: What is the average salary of Cisco CCIE

Now that you know about the training costs of CCIE, which institution is better?

SPOTO, as a training institution specializing in network talents, has scientific training courses and excellent teaching staff. At present, the passing rate for the CCIE written examination is 100% and that of CCIE Lab is 96% in SPOTO. It is a training institution that is worthy of trust. Next, I will briefly introduce the advantages of the following SPOTO courses.

1. Professional teaching team: The teaching team of SPOTO not only has rich teaching experience but also has a large number of practical experiences in real network projects, paying attention to the combination of theory and practice. There are professional experimental manuals and cloud labs that can be practiced anytime, and anywhere.

2. Nanny-liked teaching service: SPOTO provides a whole-process tracking service, including preview materials, class reminders, progress tracking, due diligence, phased counseling, and evaluation of headteachers, lecturers, and teaching assistants. For excellent students who meet the requirements, they will receive the learning gift package provided by SPOTO after class.

3. SPOTO provides a free re-reading service. Students can apply for an extension of the service period according to their own conditions. During the service period, if they fail to pass the exam for the first time, SPOTO will continue to provide free service.

4. SPOTO provides employment recommendation services free of charge.

5. SPOTO promises that students can enjoy an unconditional full refund within 7 natural days from the date of receiving the service.

SPOTO, as a professional training institution with rich teaching experience, will lay a solid foundation on your way to obtaining CCIE Certification, help you to a higher level and successfully obtain CCIE Certification.

If you want to be the best network engineer, the fee of SPOTO training will be the most successful investment in your life investment.

Here you can find CCNA courses online & here find CCNA ENCOR Dumps

Zayn Tindall

Zayn is currently working as an English Lecturer in one of the reputed colleges in New York. He has even worked as a career counsellor for the last 5 years. Zayn loves to spend his spare time reading educational books, novels and writing educational blogs and articles. 


  • Career Guidance and Counselling
  • College Lecturer

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