Types of Dental Implants: How to Choose the Best One for You

April 17, 2022

Today, dentures are the most widely used dental appliance. But slowly, the traditional dentures are being replaced by dental implants. A dental implant is a tooth substitute that fuses with the jawbone to have a permanent smile, and they are an excellent way to replace missing teeth and a broken jaw. They have been proven to be successful in over 95% of cases. More than 30,000 dental surgeries of tooth replacement with implants are done every year in the USA alone.so It is worth taking the time to analyze your options.

Dental implants have gained popularity due to their excellent performance and natural look. Consider dental implants in Culver City as they offer superior solutions compared to bridgework, removable dentures, and partial dentures. They create a new foundation for synthetic replacement teeth, which mimics your real teeth’ natural look and comfort. Although it looks like a straightforward procedure, you must know about the different dental implants before undergoing surgery in a dental clinic to make a wise decision while choosing the best dentist and right implant for you.

1. Endosteal Dental implants 

It is the most common type of dental implant. These are placed in the jawbone and are best for people with healthy gums and enough bone tissue to support them. They’re typically shaped like small blades, cylinders, or screws. After surgery, the bone grows around the implant, holding it in place. Once this healing process completes (which generally takes six to 12 months), your dentist will attach an abutment to the post to hold and support replacement teeth (crowns).

2. Standard Implants

These are traditional implants used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. They’re often used when patients require bone grafting to strengthen their jawbones. However, many patients today choose mini implants because they’re less invasive and tend to heal faster.

3. Mini Implants

Mini implants are a more recent development in dentistry, specifically designed for individuals who don’t need bone grafting for their dental implant surgery. Mini implants have a smaller diameter than standard implants, so there’s no need for additional bone grafting.

4. Subperiosteal Dental Implant

A subperiosteal implant is used when there isn’t enough healthy bone tissue to support an endosteal implant, but instead of being buried in the bone, it’s placed under the gum but above the jawbone. It allows people who don’t have enough healthy bone tissue to get implants still but require surgery to remove the gum tissue so it can be attached to the frame. The frameworks as an anchor for your new teeth and has extensions that protrude through the gums so they can be.

Also read to know the ‘5 Reasons You Should Get Dental Implants from Your Local Hamilton Dentist

5. Immediate Load Implants

These require a bit more experience from the dentist and patient alike, but they allow you to get new teeth placed on the day of your procedure. It cuts down recovery time, which is especially helpful if you need all your teeth replaced.

What are the Advantages of Implant-Supported Tooth Replacements?

  • The most important benefit is that it will help preserve your bones and help prevent further deterioration of the facial structure.
  • Replacing missing teeth will benefit your appearance and your health. That’s because tooth loss can cause bone loss in the jaw, which affects the shape of your face and makes you look older than you are. The loss of back teeth can also make it difficult to chew food correctly, resulting in poor nutrition.
  • Another advantage of dental implants is that they have a high success rate. If you follow the proper maintenance and care, they can serve you for up to 20 years.
  • They help you restore your bite force, as you could have with your natural teeth. 
  • It helps prevent your face from changing in shape .loosing a tooth can change your face, making you look old.
  • You will not suffer from cavities since the materials used to make the implants cannot decay.

Dental implants are a very viable long-term option for replacing missing teeth. However, there is no perfect implant that will suit every patient’s needs. The type of implant and the installation procedure will depend primarily on your health and physical condition. It is up to you and your dentist to determine the best implant option to fit your lifestyle and dental needs. Whether you have just one missing tooth or require the whole row of teeth at the front of your mouth, dental implants can be used to replace any number of missing teeth.

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