
How to Regulate Power of The Subconscious Mind For a Happy life

The subconscious mind is the second system that doesn’t have complete access to the conscious mind yet controls everything that happens in the conscious mind in an indirect manner. Usually, a healthy mind is the one that has a steady connection between the conscious and subconscious minds. 

We often underestimate the power of the subconscious mind; it does not only drive your thoughts but also determines success, happiness, and riches. But, needless to say, it not only covers the positive aspects of your life but regulates the negative ones too. So, those who seem all sorted-out in their lives, have the control of their subconscious mind in their hands. Controlling your mind is an art and to master it, you need to possess the power of managing your thoughts, beliefs, previous experiences, memories, and even your skills. There is a reflection of everything you have ever been through in your subconscious mind, it stores much more than we think and hence holds the power to disturb our state of mind, if not tamed. 

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Let’s learn more about the subconscious mind, its power, and ways to govern it. 

How Cambridge Dictionary Defines the Subconscious Mind

The  part of your mind that notices and remembers information when you are not actively trying to do so, and influences your behavior even though you do not realize it” 

So, by the definition- we barely know what portion of our mind compiles subconsciously, but we certainly know it affects us majorly. This is bizarre!! Isn’t it?? 

Earl Nightingale once said:  

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”

Have you ever had the feeling of fear, danger, or opportunities, out of the blue? This is due to your subconscious mind that monitors the information that your conscious mind could sense. Some people even call it Sixth Sense as it is beyond our five major senses which we are aware of. 

As there are two mind systems, how would they communicate? They do without even letting you know. But if you don’t pay any attention to it your subconscious mind is more likely to attain the negative data and shun away the positive thoughts and will keep pricking your emotions, giving you hard times and low enthusiasm. So, it is very important that your subconscious mind only catches the positive things so that your back of the head gives you bliss. 

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Both minds communicate in a bidirectional manner. From birth to death, the subconscious mind forms a great portion of your personality throughout the journey. 

Now, it’s time to unveil the best practices to empower your subconscious mind with positivity. Also, we will introduce the ways to use the subconscious mind to attain the desired success, happiness, and joy in your life. If you follow the guide, you will witness the positive changes happening in your life and encounter the new wholeness in your own self.

  1. Avoid Negative Self-Talk
  2. At some point or the other, we all wish to have a genie who could fulfill all our desires and dreams, but we don’t know we have that genie or angel within ourselves. You name it, you have it! If the thing you want has all the emotions attached to it. When you want something from all your heart and soul, the entire world will start preparing it for you: it’s all about the intensity of emotions. When you believe in something very strongly, it starts coming to you. For example, if you believe you are ugly, the genie will make you feel ugly even if you are not. Genie: the subconscious mind has the power to make wishes true, so wish wisely. Therefore, just believe in positivity and your life will be filled with it. 

    Usually, the things related to sadness, regret, disappointment, and self-loathing makes a quick impact on the subconscious state of our mind and it starts reflecting the same in your life. So, you need to shut all these emotions and practice self-love, self-value, and self-appreciation and you will see the world at its knees before you. Just your belief-system should strongly be backed by positive thoughts about you and your life. 

    So, call yourself beautiful, smart- Value your job- Love your family and do this without any doubt; with all the elements of yours and you will see your life will be filled with happiness. 

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    Whenever you have a talk with your subconscious mind, let it know how blessed you are and you will be truly blessed.

  3. Be Willing To Make Impossible Possible
  4. We often leave the things that seem unlikely and start entitling them “Impossible”. Start seeing the possibilities. Start imagining the scenario where the impossible things can be possible. But make sure you are not doing this with negative thoughts, just the thing you desperately want in your life and leave the thought of having due to being “unattainable”.

    Obviously, nothing will come true overnight, but if you keep your believe-strengthen constant, it will happen eventually. 

    To understand this better, let’s take a scenario: You want to work with some clients that you think is way out of your league, put together all your courage and send emails, you may not get a response from few, try it after few days with better offers or deals, and keep trying with every client you have on your list and the day will come when they will address your offer and give you the chance; Just bang it and the new doors of success will open automatically. It’s just our mind that has the power to make things happen. If you strongly think you are born to shine, you will shine one day. So, regulate your thought-system and start finding possibilities in everything.

  5. Don’t Let Others Pull You Back
  6. People may not believe in you, even your friends and family may have doubts about your potential but it really doesn’t matter who thinks what. What makes an impact is what your inner-self tells you. 

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    Taking an example, people who have $1000 may not value the $5 you have, but you should always know how important those $5 are for you and not let their $1000 attitude influence you. You should cherish what you have and believe in your potential to turn the $5 into 500 then 500000 and so on. 

    Now let’s look at the other side of the coin with the same example, there will be some people who had $5 but lost them, they will keep warning you and scare you about getting mugged, don’t believe them either. They got mugged because they were careless and it was their experience which has nothing to do with yours, but you can definitely learn the lesson to be more careful.

    So, the message is very simple, just learn from other’s experiences to make your one better but don’t let them influence you and pull you back. Never let anyone decide about your capabilities, strength, or agenda.

  7. Embrace The Positive Reinforcement
  8. Don’t wait for others to cheer you up. You have responsibilities towards your own self and you need to take care of every need of yourself. So, congrats yourself, love yourself and celebrate yourself without any self-doubt. 

    So, the little things like looking at the mirror and calling yourself beautiful, setting an alarm with the note of “Happy day” or “Congratulations for a new beginning”, gifting yourself the presents, treating yourself with your favorite food, and dancing alone at your favorite beat, can do wonders for you. 

    You can even decorate your room or workplace with positive and inspirational notes, pictures and drawings can give the boost of cheerfulness for the day. 

    Next, make sure you distance yourself from the people who have second thoughts about your capabilities- who don’t admire you- who make you feel bad about yourself. Befriend people who love your personality, constantly encourage you, and believe in you. Even your social media account should be filled with motivational, interesting, and hilarious posts so that whenever you scroll down, you get the dose of entertainment and encouragement. Don’t follow those dark and depressing pages that keep criticizing others and make you feel low about your surroundings. 

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  9. Practice Gratitude
  10. If your desires are too overwhelming, you can keep them on track by adding Gratitude to your daily life. It is very important to be thankful for what you have instead of whining about what you don’t. For instance, You may want the life of a celebrity, then you should consider the beauty of things you have in this common life- you are free- you aren’t answerable to the entire world and no one is always aiming at you with a camera. So, thank the holy lord for giving you everything you have right now, even the little things. 

    The more you have the gratitude, the more you will be blessed with abundance because you will find happiness and completeness in what you have. You can ask for a lot without criticizing what little you have. This way you will feel enough and whatever you will get beyond it will be a treat for you. There is a very true saying : 

    “When you believe you have enough, you are open to receiving more and more and more.”

  11. Focus on Self-Care
  12. We live once and thus live fullest. Your body is a machine that needs regular service and maintenance to work optimally. We know we all have busy lives, but you should take out 1-2 hours for your own self if you want to make the best out of your day. Indulge in a hobby, meditate, take bubble-bath, read your favorite novel, watch the classic rom-com/ comedy, or anything that pleases you. 

    Apart from that make sure you give time to exercise, Yoga, or Meditation to give your body and mind the dose of strength. Meditation is best to calm your mind and heart and this will give your subconscious mind all the right signals it needs to fill your life with positivity and success.

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  13. Be Firm of What you Want
  14. No matter what others think of your wants and wills, you need to stand on your grounds. Here we are not asking you to be stubborn or rigid, just want to recommend you to be “Strong-willed”. Let’s understand with an example, if you are working on a project, make sure you get the payment that justifies your hard work; don’t settle for less, no matter how hard the other party tries to convince you. Same way, if you find someone treating you lesser than your will, drop the person, no matter how hard it takes. So, make sure you ask for what you want and be clear about it. If they actually understand the point, they would end up agreeing with your demands eventually.

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  15. Don’t Worry about Every Little Thing
  16. Not everything can be controlled. We all walk through thin and thick in this world and adverse situations that are meant to make you stronger and wiser. So, don’t worry or fear of adversities, face them, beat them, and rise like a boss. Do what you want to do without worrying about hurdles you are going to face because you will definitely conquer them all. If you aren’t hurting or playing with anyone’s feelings, nature will back you up and unblock your path to success.

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References: Books You Can Read

The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes (1976)

A Mind So Rare: The Evolution of Human Consciousness by Merlin Donald (2001)

Strangers to Ourselves by Timothy Wilson (2001)

Steffi Stark

Steffi is a freelance health blogger and is involved in writing fitness and health-related blogs for more than 5 years now. She is a certified health coach and even guides her audience with the healthy foods and recipes. In her writings, she involves news, the latest changes in the health industry, and fitness tips. She even informs her audience about celebrity fitness tips and goals through her writings. Education Masters from University School of Medicine Certified trainer

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