The Real Risks of Long-Distance Driving: A Road Safety Guide

February 8, 2022

Long-distance driving by truckers is responsible for transporting a majority of the goods that people use every day. Only recently, a study showed that the total yearly value of transported products hovered around $1 trillion per year. Saying that they’re an important part of the industry is an understatement.

Sadly, this has an impact on other statistics, including those involving traffic accidents on highways. Truckers and civilians have to watch out for driving risks during long drives. A lack of sleep, for example, can result in disaster.

Long-distance Driving Risk Factors

Long drives present a variety of problems for motorists, and the likelihood that they occur grows in tandem with the distance traveled. Before making any changes for improved safety, it’s a good idea to recognize, understand, and prepare for the risks.


Driving is a sedentary activity and carries with it all the dangers that the latter involves. Sitting for multiple hours at a time can cause health-related issues like blood clots.

Know Where You’re Going

Proper navigation is key while out and about, more so for traveling great distances. Getting lost has more implications than people think. You can run out of fuel and get stranded, enter regions with no signal, or find yourself in dangerous neighborhoods.

General Vehicle Safety

Accidents and roadside emergencies are also major factors. A flat tire, non-functional window wipers during a heavy storm, and stalling due to engine malfunctions can put you in a dangerous situation. You also have to watch out for stalled vehicles that might take up part of the road.

Driving Safety Tips

Every risk factor matters. A problem in just one category can put your life at risk. There are a few ways to prepare for, prevent, and solve some of the issues.

If you’re concerned about your health, you can make frequent stops to stretch. You want to do this every two to three hours. Those taking medication should consult with a physician as to whether their meds put them at greater risk for blood clots.

For vehicle safety, make sure you have a mechanic take a look before heading out. Reaching out to a truck accident lawyer, before departing, is also a good idea. Nobody wants to suffer an accident while on the road, but it’s better if someone can accompany you if the situation occurs.

Navigation is likely the easiest concern to solve. Take a paper map with you, and make sure you know how to read one properly. Additionally, most cellular devices can download map information for offline use. So, if you’re in an area with no signal, you can still get a general idea of where you are.

Stay Safe

Make sure you identify, understand, and prepare accordingly for the various risk factors involved in long-distance driving. Professional assistance, medical considerations, and a vehicle checkup are highly recommended before hitting the road.

If you’re interested in learning more, consider checking out the other publications on our site!

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