
7 Things Your Lawn May Be Trying to Tell You

Your lawn speaks, and if you listen carefully, you can tell what needs doing. You can tell whether your grass has proper health or gauge their well-being without necessarily consulting the pros. The pros have better knowledge of lawns than you, with precise skills and tools. In fact, they know precisely what to do and use when your lawn calls for help. But you can leverage our seven factors yourself to get your lawn glamorous and mouth-watering to the neighborhood. So here are our lawn secrets. Click here to learn more.

It’s Not Frequently Fed

Most lawn owners tend to neglect their lawn throughout the year. Meanwhile, some only feed their lawn once a year and let it look after itself. But pros disagree with this way of handling your lawn. Instead, they suggest frequent fertilization throughout the year, with the right food, depending on the season and your region. Mulch plays a pretty hefty role in all of this.

Experts suggest feeding your lawn at least four times a year. But that’s a general approach. Depending on your location, you should know how frequently it needs annual feeding. For instance, northern dwellers should feed their lawn in early spring. This way, they fasten the green-up process and potentially kill crabgrass. 

You’re Not Timing Your Mow Properly

According to most experts, you boost odds for a better-looking lawn when you timely mow your lawn. However, if neglected for an extended period, your grass grows to annoying heights, becoming vulnerable to fungi –especially the snow mold. 

When mowing, have the right setting – recommended at maximum – for the particular grass growing in your yard. For instance, cut cool-season grasses at about 2.5 to 3.5 inches but use longer measurements for warm-season grasses. But don’t mow too short. Mowing your lawn too short harms their root system. According to experts, it curtails it. This damage to the roots greatly reduces the lawn’s efficiency during dryness and winter cold.  

It Needs Watering

Most homeowners stop watering their lawns at the beginning of certain seasons, especially the cooler fall. Others water it frequently, but not deeply enough. Although they believe nature will take over where they left, taking care of the lawn for them, this more rain and reduced hydration don’t guarantee sufficient hydration. 

You can encourage deep and robust root growths in your lawn by soaking your lawn long enough. Run the sprinkler until the soil is pretty sticky as opposed to being fully saturated with water. Also, summers make grass consume tons of water.

Also Read: 8 Fantastic Ideas to Decorate Your Garden Fence

Your Soil is too Acidic

Have you recently encountered brown spots on your lawn? What may be the possible cause? Although green grass punctured with brown spots are critical in your lawn, they often go unnoticed. Most require more detective work.

Grass growing in soil with too high acidity often turns brown. In other words, it means the soil pH is too low. When the pH rises beyond the seven mark, the acidity becomes neutral or basic. But at around 1-4 pH, the soil is pretty acidic. You can test for pH value in your lawn to effectively solve the problem. But also check the level of nutrients like sulfur and lime. In their sufficient availability, these nutrients will automatically correct the soil pH. 

You can find soil test kits in garden stores near you and even online these days. They also come in a variety – battery-powered or traditional manual kits – but accomplish the same task. Other DIY manual tests procedures are also at your disposal if you thoroughly navigate online resources. 

We Have a Fungus Inversion

You might have witnessed mysterious circles popping out of the lawn (also called fairy rings) but are yet to figure out what it means. This can be pretty confusing since they emerge in somewhat healthy-looking grass. However, experts say your grass is under fungus inversion, and if given time, you might also witness a circular mushroom growth. 

The presence of fungal threads initially nourishes the circle of grass by providing nutrients and moisture from decaying matter, making it greener than surrounding grass. But eventually, the fungus grows deep and starves the grassroots, denying them nutrients and water. 

You can solve this tragedy using fungicide. However, only treat affected areas as opposed to the whole lawn. On the other hand, a relatively effective solution is to dig up affected areas, dispose of them, and substitute them with healthy new grass. 

Your Lawn is Matted Down

According to experts, matting can occur due to consecutive wet nights and likely occurs in summer. Wet nights, especially in warm climates, highly encourage fungal growth. But to alternate, whether the issue arises from fungi infestation or typical causes like lack of enough water, inspect the grass blades closely.

The Grass Can’t Grow Under Tree Shades

It’s pretty challenging and impossible to a certain degree growing grass under trees. Trees impede grass from growing effectively. In essence, giant trees shadow down your lawn, while pine trees drop needles continuously, jamming grass, probably killing them. It even gets worse during mowing, when large protruding tree roots hinder the operation. For this reason, experts say it’s better to let it go planting and maintaining a healthy lawn under the trees. 

Bill Wilson

Bill has been writing for Weblyen’s writing team for more than one year now. He loves to write about gadgets, social media, movies, music, and whatnot. His keen interest in gaming and sports has made him write numerous blogs about the same for several popular magazines and blogs. He even writes lifestyle

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