Important Tips to Know Before Developing an Android App

February 9, 2022

Having engagement with your customers or viewers can be handy for developing your app, but before developing it, some tips can help you make your app look better and helpful.

Nowadays smartphones are an essential thing in everyone’s lives. Time spending on phones is increasing. The number of apps in them is rising. And one of the needs for people is smartphones and the applications that they can install in them. The better applications are, the more fans they will receive.

In recent years, every country and every business has had a huge development on their works and products. There is a great android application development agency in Australia, too, that can help you with your problems.

First, think about your goals and write them down. Then figure out what your visitors want. Finally, keep reading the following texts to know them better and do them.

Let’s take a look at the tips that are good to know before developing an android application.

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Loading Time:

Don’t give your users a bad UX; because as late as possible your app loads, it will create a negative impression on users. You can try to use the animations or loading indicators to make users sure that the app is working, but it is waiting for the mobile network.   

Knowing about Target Audience:

Understanding users and figuring out who they are; have a massive impact on developing apps. Knowing your target audience will answer your questions, for example, what are their needs? What changes would be effective for them? Have a strategy to make your application easy to understand. If you stick to your plans, your app will be a popular app among smartphone applications.

Looking for Competitors:

See what your competitors do? Among millions of mobiles and billions of smartphone apps, make your app different. Try to serve users something new, something different. Produce something interesting; something that keeps users in touch with the app; and they come back to the app. Give users a unique application.

This phase is also a part of your research; you can find your niche market.

You can ask yourself the following questions:

What are their goals and strategy?

What are their weaknesses and strengths? (You can get help from the SWOT table in this section too)

Who are the real competitors?

What is your USP? 

You can also get help from social listening in this section to know about their feelings and reviews about your product on social media platforms.

Choosing the Perfect Platform

It can be befuddling to choose the right platform for your app. Not only will it influence the developers, but also it can affect the flexibility of the app. While newer versions of Android provide, your app better continues to support older versions of Android too. 


Ensuring users that your application assures is an essential factor that can keep users engaged with your mobile application. Guaranteed them that their information is safe. 


Before coding, start to think about designing your smartphone application in two steps, UX and UI. The UI/UX design essentials, not only can create a better look and feel, but also can create the interplay architecture of design elements of your application.

Revenue Streams:

Some popular models are:

You are serving a special value to your customers, they are thankful about it, your product is ready to generate more value by the correct use of customers. But what if you haven’t paid enough attention to the money resources incoming in your product?

Developers’ energy, time, and hard work should be answered in the correct form and surely, one way is to pay them. 


This can be applied to get more downloads. These kinds of apps are free to download and run, but some features or some contents will be available after customers charge a certain amount of money.


This app requires customers to pay before they can reach the app. This way you might lose a lot of potential users, but you can also do convincing advertising and show users the apps’ benefits to them. In other words, show them that this special app is worth the money they pay and will give them much more than their money.

In-App Purchase: 

In-app, a purchase is most likely the freemium type. It is especially useful for games when you would tell the users to buy extra items or gems that will improve their play. Thus, a good way to attract more people and get promoted by the word of mouth method.

In-App Ads: 

A good way for not interrupting the user during their experience in the product. A real simple, and effective way for monetization. This phase can be shown in banner ads, notification ads, or full-screen ads.

Testing the Application:

Don’t forget to test your app before releasing it. While you test your app, you are going to have certain measures from the app as you need to know, for instance, a bug-free smartphone app.

There are two steps for testing android software development:

1. Alpha Testers

There is a small group of people as your team workers who can give you a hand to have a successful android development. They give you a hand with bug reports, stack traces, and even some code tips and tricks. 

2. Beta Testers

There is a broader audience or many application testing tools available. You can use them to organize the beta testing.

Once you pass testing, it is time to release your app. 


As you manage your android app, you can start to have a website for your products. If you already have a website, try to develop your website by the time you develop your android app. 

Nowadays developing android apps among the billions of apps in a market may be a problem for some businesses, but every problem has a solution. By the time you are thinking about developing your android application, some tips are good to account for, so consider them for having a better android app.

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