How To Use Twitter For Social Selling – Twitter For Business

November 17, 2022

With almost 200 million Twitter users worldwide, there seems to be no stopping the social media networking service that’s all about microblogging. For only around 140 characters, you can tweet away that which you desire. It gets to flutter in and through retweets and likes. At least, that’s the goal. If you’re looking into utilizing Twitter, for your business growth you will need as many genuine followers as possible and that’s where services like Twenvy come in handy.

NFT Twitter followers are also a great way to get more exposure for your account and to connect with other like-minded people. It’s a quick and easy way to get more followers and boost your social media presence. If you want to increase your followers, check out the NFT Twitter followers service from Social Plug! They can help you get the followers you need to make your account more popular and successful.

So, how can Twitter be your leverage for reaching out to your target market faster? Can tweets really be used for enterprising purposes? This 7-step outline can help you out.

Twitter For Business: 7 Expert Tips For Social Selling

Your Twitter Handle, Your Business Brand

Let’s start with the basics— your Twitter handle and your business brand. Speaking within the confines of Twitter and within the scope of marketing, these two need to be aligned with one another.

In fact, the closer your Twitter handle is to what your brand is about, the better. The purpose of said Twitter “name” isn’t so that you can have one that’s funny and quirky (although if your brand name has these variables, there’s nothing wrong with that either). It’s to establish that link between your Twitter account and your brand name.

“Recall” is an element that should be given emphasis (something you can apply to your branding as well, by the way). In addition to this, keep it curt and uncomplicated. Plus, if you’re willing to go the extra mile, insert an optimized keyword. In this fashion, you’ll have a higher chance of turning up in searches relevant to the said keyword (ask your SEO firm regarding this).

Focus On Your Profile

Slow is the road to take here. So is “smart”. Be smart about how you will organize content and information in your profile. Be smart about the image you’ll utilize for the banner. Let it be related to your brand and business. Still and all, don’t overcrowd any image with cluttered elements.

This can be said of your header image, too. “Professional” is the way to go, with a dash of charm and that award-winning smile of yours.

These may seem like tiny details to be so fixed on. However, they play significant roles in telling viewers to either stay on your profile and read on or move to the next page and/or account after yours.

By all means, have images taken professionally if you’re not an old hand at this art. In case you’re up for the task, avoid grainy, too-pixelated pics if you can.

Content Still Reigns Supreme. But Don’t Go Business Info-Heavy

A rookie mistake that small businesses and/or brands tend to make is to fill their Twitter profiles with information about their enterprise alone. Nothing more, nothing less. Contrary to thinking of how such information will give viewers a dose of what their business is about, this may only keep them far from reading any of it, if at all.

We’re being very frank here. It’s just that we don’t want you to put up with all the trouble of coming up with a profile blueprint that is zeroed in on the technicalities of your enterprise, when it may turn off viewers. Instead, briefly state what your business vision is, along with an outline of your products and services. Remind the audience of these every so often.

Yet don’t stop there. Immediately proceed to the next number below.

Engagement At Its Core

Besides how talking business matters and posting the same every single time can get pretty dull, your audience is looking for “engagement”. Studies reveal that social media users gravitate more to accounts and/or influencers who can reach out to them on a more personal level.

This doesn’t mean you are to overstep your “welcome” (so to speak) and drill down on their personal lives. This also goes beyond merely responding to their queries. Alternatively, create polls and threads about fun topics. Or join in the conversation in a Twitter Space (it will be best to forego the Listener status and actually let your voice be heard). Repost tweets and drop comments. More so, comment on the comments of Tweets.

Please, oh please, do not utilize bots. Automated responses are a huge disconnect. The thing to remember is that “engagement” equates to “connection”. So, connect with your audience off your own bat.

Follow First. Then Establish A Following

Follow accounts, businesses, and social media influencers whose brands and posts are directly and sort-of-indirectly correlated to yours. It’s an approach towards learning what their methods are in terms of garnering a strong Twitter following. You can turn notifications on for these accounts and jot down pointers on what tips to emulate for your profile.

In contrast, this is an easy and quick strategy for gaining followers. Follow them and the best of them will follow you back.

Regular Tweets, Retweets, And Comments

…just make sure to vary your posts. Besides using the 140-character option, attach GIFs, images, and videos. Although consistency and regularity may convince your potential customers and followers that your business is active and up and running, the same business message every single post is an immediate red light.

Vary it. Don’t always make it about business. A callback to what we’ve indicated a few paragraphs before.

It’s About The Visuals, Too

Get creative with the photos and videos you tweet. There’s a misconception about how Twitter is solely for posting worded tweets. But statistics continue to educate us in how photos and videos attract much more viewers by at least 300%! A whopping number right there!

Even better, eye-catching, quality pics and videos are bridges that lead to increased engagement. On the more technical aspect of this, grainy images are a no, too. They subtly tell to-be customers that a business may not be doing too well, what with low-quality posts. That, or they aren’t concerned enough about their social media standing and how they’re perceived. The total opposite of the message you should want to come across.

A bit of editing work is all it’ll take. Later on, perhaps an electronic gadget with higher specs?

Finally, another reason to hop on the bandwagon with photo and video-bannered tweets is that they will not take away from your tweet’s word count.

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