What is the Ideal Temperature for Commercial Freezers?

February 8, 2022

If you’re in business, you understand that commercial freezers are essential for the restaurant industry. Warm temperatures provide optimal conditions for bacterial multiplication. It’s for these reasons that food spoils fast in warm temperatures. Commercial freezers play a crucial role in keeping food in suitable temperatures to prevent it from spoiling. 

However, keeping food in freezing conditions exposes your freezer to the risk of burns. You can avoid food wastes and keep your freezer in suitable condition by storing food at the right temperature. Before purchasing a freezer, get to know about a recommendation about best commercial freezer storage to meet your needs.

Frozen Temperatures Aren’t Good for Your Food and Freezer’s Lifespan. 

Keeping your food frozen doesn’t always mean that it’s safe. Most business owners assume that freezing food or keeping it under extremely low temperatures is appropriate. Others allow temperature fluctuations of the freezer. What you may not know is that temperature fluctuation is hazardous. Regular opening and closing of the freezer door causes temperature fluctuations. Prolonged exposure of the freezer to outside air may cause it to register inaccurate readings. It also leads to a build-up of frost, which will affect your freezer’s lifespan.

The right temperature for commercial freezers should be at -18 ℃ (0 ℉). Studies observe that storing foods below these temperatures affects their vitamin content. Also, note that the time that a freezer requires to reach its stable temperature depends on its size. The bigger the freezer, the more time it needs to attain the temperature.

Risks of Improper Storage of Foods in Freezers 

You’re likely to incur losses if your freezer doesn’t store food at the right temperature. Improper food storage forces you to replenish your stock often while the current one goes to waste. Foods stored in unsuitable conditions can also make clients sick, increasing the chances of legal pursuits. Surveys show that many people suffer from food-related illnesses every year.

It’s going to hurt your business’s reputation if clients file food poisoning against your firm. You’re going to avoid these situations if you keep your freezer in the proper temperatures. It’s worth following food storage safety guidelines to keep your business thriving. 

How Do You Appropriately Store Food in Your Freezer? 

Once you set the freezer at the right temperature, it’s vital to understand how to freeze stored foods wisely. When you keep food in the freezer, some of the things you want to accomplish include;

  • Moisture prevention 
  • Prevent possible freezer burns
  • Avoid transfer of smell between the foods stored in the freezer 
  • Prevent food conditions that create food poisoning 

The ability to achieve these accomplishments depends on how well you wrap the food items in the freezer. These tips might help;

  • Always ensure that you tightly wrap meat and bakes foods in aluminum foils before placing them in the freezer bags. Wrapping is crucial in preventing the food from coming into contact with moisture. 
  • Ensure that you remove air from freezer bags before placing food inside
  • In case you have freezer-safe containers, ensure that they’re air-tight.  

Observe Storage Time-frames

You’ve wrapped the food appropriately and kept it at the right temperature of -18 ℃ (0 ℉). However, there’s something there’s another significant factor to consider; the storage time-frame. For example, FDA guidelines state that if beef is kept within the appropriate freezing temperatures, it will retain its quality for approximately one year. Ground meat, on the other hand, takes 2-3 months. 

Inform your staff about these guidelines to avoid keeping beef beyond the acceptable time-frame. It’s worth stressing to your employees the essence of handling food properly to avoid compromising the quality. 

Remember that commercial freezers are vulnerable to temperature fluctuations every time the door opens. Remind the workers not to open the freezer for long to avoid such volatility that can affect the temperature, quality of food, and the freezer’s lifespan. 

How to Care and Maintain For Your Commercial Freezer 

Besides setting temperatures, it’s vital to care for the freezer. Proper maintenance plays a role in the freezer’s ability to keep foods in the correct temperatures. Here’re some tips on how to care for your freezer.  

Clean The Interior And Exterior Regularly

Follow regular cleaning schedules to maintain your refrigerators. It can once or twice a week, depending on your preference. 

  • Remove all the food items stored inside the freezer. 
  • Scrub the shelves with a soft brush and clean the surface with warm water, soap, and vinegar
  • Remove the drawers and storages, and rinse properly

Wipe the exterior of the freezer and moisture around the cooler also have smoke detector to avoid any mishappening. Always use a proper cleaning product for stainless steel surfaces. Avoid using corrosive scrubbers, sponges, and chlorine cleaners. A combination of vinegar and detergent solution works best for cleaning your freezer. 

Keep Your Freezer Dry

Keep the freezer in a dry environment. Wipe any spills immediately, which would check moisture build-up inside the compartments. You can also book a maintenance schedule with a commercial freezer maintenance company to recommend the right commercial freezer care tips. A freezer is a crucial asset to your business. Storing foods in the proper temperatures and caring for the freezer will propel your venture into a success. If you’re unsure how to care for your freezer, talk to a refrigerator service provider.  

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