What is WiBargain? Can You Still Buy from Wibargain?

February 17, 2023

WiBargain is a retail firm that provides liquidation goods from top retailers in the market. Being one of the few firms which sell wholesale boxes at a large scale, if you are interested in mystery boxes, then you should definitely shop from WiBargain.


A Mystery box is a box that contains secret items. The items found in a mystery box are usually centered around a particular theme. The theme of a mystery box can be anything, heavily depending on who is creating the box and the audience which is interested in it.

WiBargain first came into the limelight through Instagram & TikTok, as people started posting what they received on their orders. The online exposure & early WiBargain reviews led to the company becoming even more well-known.

As of now, WiBargain has reached its peak, and many people are now asking the question of whether is WiBargain legit. Most people want to know if they can buy from WiBargain.

When it comes to mystery boxes, each one is an investment and a gamble. If you are to spend your money on a WiBargain box, then you need to know everything about it.

Focusing on answering, is WiBargain legit? This guide will answer your questions, and by the end, you’ll know if you should buy from WiBargain or not.

How Does WiBargain Work?

Mystery boxes have always been something that people were interested in; the reason why WiBargain is so popular these days is that it caters to the needs of a large part of the population. 

The goal behind WiBargain is simple, providing happiness to their customers and creating mystery boxes that will benefit whoever buys them.

WiBargain offers a wide range of boxes to its customers which range from multiple brands and different price ranges. Users can receive anything including stationary items, Vitamin supplements, kitchen appliances or groceries. 

Below we have mentioned what types of boxes are sold by WiBargain.

What Types of Boxes are Sold by WiBargain?

WiBargain offers a wide range of boxes, including brands like Amazon, Walmart, Target & Home Depot. This means users buying from WiBargain can expect any product from these brands. 

It is possible that the value of a product in a box may very well be less than the amount you have paid for it & the opposite can also be true. Buying from WiBargain, you can find some amazing stuff, but it is also possible that what you receive will not be good. 

It should be noted that WiBargain has no obligation to give you a full return on your purchase & what you receive is completely random.

WiBargain mystery boxes

WiBargain offers a large variety of options that you can choose from; these include boxes from different brands in different price ranges.

The standard WiBargain wholesale box is priced anywhere between $135 and $115, & the cheapest premium wholesale box you can buy costs around $35.

WiBargain also offers special mystery boxes time after time which can even cost $500.

WiBargain wholesale boxes

The only way to distinguish between wholesale boxes by WiBargain is by how expensive they are, it can also give you an indication as to how valuable stuff you can find in them.

What are the Reviews of WiBargain?

Ever since it became popular on Instagram and Tik Tok, many people have searched for WiBargain reviews as they want to see the experience of its customers and what everyone has received.

For a service like WiBargain, the reception it receives ends up as a token for its validity, and it is the thing that determines if it will be a success or failure. Sadly if you search for WiBargain reviews online, you will find a lot of negative ones. 

WiBargain reviews

Though WiBargain claims to offer the best deals on wholesale boxes it ultimately fails to do that.

So far the massive negative reviews WiBargain has received online have been its biggest problem in the market. 

Something which worked for WiBargain was that it became viral on social media sites, while it was good exposure for the company, it also revealed to a lot of people that shopping from WiBargain is a mistake.

As the trend settled, more and more people started putting in their reviews and revealed the boxes they received contained items that were worth nowhere near the price they paid. This led to a massive revolt and a lot of people started calling WiBargain a scam. 

Some dismissed this as negative reception is inevitable for a venture like WiBargain, but the number of customers who were unhappy with WiBargain was a lot more than customers who were satisfied with it.

WiBargain reviews

As you can see above how WiBargain is rated on BBB which is a well-known and trusted source for checking business reviews.

When it comes to the validity of a business, the reviews it receives from its customers are the only thing that matters. While this is enough for any business to shut down, there is still more we need to address.

Below we have addressed if WiBargain is legit, going through this section you’ll know whether to give WiBargain a chance to stay away from it.

Is WiBargain Legit?

For any business to be successful, it needs to be trustworthy and legit. Unfortunately, WiBargain is neither of them. 

Alongside its tendency of sending wholesale boxes which are not equal to their price, WiBargain also fails to deliver to its customers on time.

If you go through all the WiBargain reviews, you will find that a lot of customers are still waiting to receive their boxes. 

WiBargain reviews

With orders arriving way behind schedule, WiBargain fails to be a trustworthy brand for its customers.

Boxes Sent to Influencers vs Non-Influencers

Something else which was noticed was that the boxes that were received by social media influencers and boxes that were ordered by normal people had a massive difference in terms of quality.

The negative reviews of WiBargain didn’t sit well with people who decided to purchase a box after seeing what social media influencers got in their boxes.

While a lot of people were unsatisfied with what they got, this wasn’t the case with social media influencers as almost every other influencer was preaching about how good their box was.

Noticing this led to people speculating that WiBargain was sending influencers specially prepared boxes that were better than random ones so that their audience will purchase from WiBargain.

This was later confirmed to be true and resulted in an even worse public image for WiBargain 

Should you buy from WiBargain?

After going through all the information above, it is certain that buying from WiBargain would not be as beneficial as everyone thinks. 

The only good thing about WiBargain is the element of surprise. When you’re ordering a box you don’t know what you will receive, and there is always a chance that you will hit the jackpot.

What are the Terms & Conditions of WiBargain?

WiBargain has a strict no-return or refund policy on their orders, so if you were thinking that you will be able to return your boxes if you received bad products then you are wrong.

premium amazon returns wholesale box

These policies work are major cons of buying from WiBargain as you won’t be able to return or even cancel your order.

Now that you know about WiBargain you should also take a look at its alternatives so that you have more than one option. 

Below we have mentioned alternate websites which sell wholesale boxes.

Also read: A Guide to Ecommerce Shipping & Fulfillment

What are the Alternatives for WiBargain?

The market for mystery boxes is big enough that it is filled with liquidation companies.

The high demand for mystery/wholesale boxes is met with a supply of a never-ending list of liquidation companies.

Here are the alternatives for WiBargain which you can shop from

  1. QuickLotz 

QuickLotz is one of the most reliable liquidation companies you can find. If you want to make your money’s worth then buying from QuickLotz will surely be a lot more fulfilling & rewarding than buying from WiBargain.


QuickLotz ships to more than 120 countries and offers a wide range of products which you can buy in the form of boxes, pallets and even truckloads.

Not only online, QuickLotz also has multiple physical outlets that you should definitely visit if you want to get good products, and also save money.

  1. BULQ

BULQ is another highly trusted liquidation company, it is well-known for partnering with top retailers/suppliers of the world and selling its products at a wholesale rate.

BULQ offers many options to choose from and it also offers special discounts on its products time after time. If you are a fan of auctions then BULQ is the best choice for you.

Going through client testimonials and reviews, we can say that shopping from BULQ will not leave you in regret.

  1. Liquidation
Liquidation retail

Liquidation is one of the most trusted and visited liquidation firms in the USA. Liquidation sells most of its stuff from online auctions and the products it focuses on are apparel, electronics, houseware, industrial equipment, and even vehicles.

Most of their auctions start from a $100 bid along with a “buy now” feature which allows users who don’t want to participate in the auction to make a direct purchase, the price for which is usually $5000.

Liquidation has a lot to offer, you should definitely visit their site and participate in an auction.

  1. Mid Tenn Wholesale
mid tenn wholesale liquidation

Mid Tenn Wholesale offers premium merchandise at the lowest price. With multiple categories of products available, users can choose to order in lots or truckloads.

You can also sell from Mid Tenn Wholesale if you don’t want to create a website for your business.

Customers of Mid Tenn Wholesale have always been highly satisfied with the products they receive and their value, so you don’t need to be worried about how trustworthy Mid Tenn Wholesale is.

Regarded as a top seller in the liquidation market, Mid Tenn Wholesale offers something for everyone and you will surely be satisfied if you shop from Mid Tenn Wholesale.

  1. National Wholesale Liquidators
national wholesale liquidators

As the name suggests National Wholesale Liquidators is one of the biggest liquidating firms in the world. It offers high discounts and a lot of products, something which will highly benefit you.

Having more than 30 years of experience, you can count on this firm to treat you right as the company is highly regarded for providing the best customer experience in the industry.

With new products available every day, you should definitely visit their website and see if something falls into your price range.

Something which proves the alternatives mentioned above as better options are that you won’t be able to find any negative reviews of them online, while you can definitely find negative WiBargain reviews in bulk.

Final Verdict

Though no one is recommending that you buy from WiBargain, if it is affordable and you want to see what you can receive then you should try it out. With multiple boxes available you can definitely get something good. 

As of now, the website is unavailable so you may have to wait till WiBargain comes back to the market, in the meantime you should check out some of the alternatives which we have mentioned above.


Ans: Yes, there are many positive WiBargain reviews as many customers have received packages that contained good products which were bought at an affordable rate.

Ans: As of now, it is not a good option to shop from WiBargain. Your friend should take a look at the alternatives we have mentioned above or wait till WiBargain has become more trustworthy & legit.

Ans: No, it is not safe to buy from WiBargain in 2023 as the company is known for sending packages that are nowhere near the amount upon which they were purchased.

Ans: Yes, it has been observed that social media influencers receive better packages than normal citizens. It is likely as the company wants the fans of the influencer to buy from them.

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